Study options range from private lessons, group workshops, virtual group and private study, and on-site coaching.
Students comment on Virtual Learning
Online Private lessons. The lesson shapes around your individual needs and interests. Work on a monologue, song or presentation, or simply on staying lively while sitting.. examine daily life activities… cultivate a calm readiness.
Small Online Study Groups (minimum 4; maximum 8 people). Take part in an enjoyable, shared learning experience. In small study groups, everyone receives individual attention from the teacher. And, we also enjoy working together with the Alexander principles through shared activities and focused discussion and directed embodiment. Develop a keen Alexander lens and refine your observation skills. What we sense/ see in others directly informs our own kinesthetic experience and options.
Mister Bones assists online.
Consider gathering a few pals from around the globe, creating a small group of friends to refresh your Alexander toolboxes. This is a medium where working with those who are geographically far away is possible — a delightful prospect.
Private lessons
Private Lessons are the traditional way to study the Alexander Technique. Lessons are tailored to meet your individual needs, providing a fresh approach to everyday life and specialized activities. In your first Alexander lesson, Judith evaluates your movement patterns, and guides you in sensing how you habitually respond to the demands of daily life. Through verbal and visual cues, hands-on guidance, and specific activities, you learn how to re-organize to work with your body’s design, rather than unconsciously working against yourself.
Hands-on guidance: Touch from the teacher is an elemental part of the Alexander learning process. In a delicate communication through her hands, Judith conveys a new kinesthetic experience, guiding you to a fresh integration of mind and body. Hands-on work is pleasurable and non-invasive. You have a fresh experience of living and moving in your body in an unencumbered, streamlined fashion. Part of each lesson includes some work done lying on a massage table.
How long is a session? Lessons are 50 minutes. 25-minute lessons are also available.
Where? Chelsea, Manhattan, NYC and Shelter Island/East End, Long Island.
How many lessons do I need? One lesson per week is advised for beginners. A series of 10-30 private lessons provides a solid introduction to the technique. When possible, it is helpful to begin with two lessons per week. Because you are learning to undo old patterns and develop new alternatives, repetition and reinforcement on a regular basis is important to your learning, much like learning a new language. People study for varying lengths of time, depending upon interest, goals and needs. In your introductory lesson, Judith will assess your specific situation.
What to wear? Wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing that is easy to move in and that you can lay down in. You remain fully clothed for the lesson.
Group Workshops
"Alexander, Image, and Unfolding Empathy" at the Leopold Museum, MuseumQuartier, ImPulsTanz Festival, Vienna
Alexander study in a group setting helps you hone your observation skills, learn how to use your body well while you interact, and develop an ensemble sensibility within a group. In watching others work, students often have “ah-ha!” experiences. They are able to better understand their own patterns and the Alexander process for change.
Judith has tailored Alexander trainings for a variety of populations and settings, including for medical practitioners, visual and crafts artists, massage therapists, Pilates fitness trainers, yoga teachers, performing artists, and corporations.
Judith is currently on-faculty at the esteemed William Esper Studio, an acting-training studio in NYC.
ON-SITE I& specific performance COACHING
On-site coaching (and coaching for specific performances) is direct and affords an immediacy in applying the Alexander principles. Coaching can happen in a rehearsal setting, in a voice lesson, on set or stage, on the golfing range, in the office, etc. Contact for further details and booking.
"It is not so much a matter of learning new tricks, but eradicating blocks."
-Jerzy Grotowski, theater director, acting innovator, master teacher