“…You will feel like you are creating a myth of your very own.”
“Many of us are acquainted with the Rilke line, “You must change your life,” but until you’ve heard it shouted from a cliff edge high over the Aegean after a week of actually having your life changed, you won’t know it in quite its full glory. A week with Judith in Greece is more than an amazing learning experience with a brilliant teacher, more than a week on one of the most stunning islands in the world, more than deep connection with a group of wonderful people; it is something genuinely life-altering. It’s a week in which you enter a sacred magical space, where you shift delightedly between quiet wonder and gleeful noise, where you mingle happily with ancient gods and goddesses. Where your body learns to dance in synch with your mind. Judith manages to help and inspire and unite all kinds of people, from grandmothers to metal workers, introverts to extroverts, young to old, actresses, techies, architects, dancers, and more. People of all levels of experience with the Alexander technique are generously and gently guided out of long-held patterns and moved towards full presence. You will never find a better, more inspiring teacher than Judith. I can’t recommend this experience enough."
-Joan Harvey, writer, 2017 participant
“Judith is a life-changer, and the Folegandros workshop is a truly unique way to experience the work she does. It's a week of fiercely grounded, practical, necessary exploration, lifted by the otherworldly beauty of the Greek isles. Whether you're a performer, or a student of history, or simply someone who feels a bit adrift and is looking for an anchor, I can't recommend it highly enough. You will feel like you are creating a myth of your very own.”
-Lee Seymour, writer & producer, 2018 participant
"In the world of Homer’s Odyssey, where gods regularly visit mortals, transformation is an expected part of life. Athena might arrive as an old man and leave as a bird; with the wave of her wand, Circe turns men into swine. Judith Grodowitz’s workshop in Folegandros transported the Alexander Technique to the ancient landscapes and stories of a Greek Island. Inside a one-room schoolhouse in a white-washed town, Judith showed us how to invite change into our bodies and selves. Classes artfully integrated fundamentals of the Alexander Technique with movement, image, and literature. We journeyed forth – a little community of travelers – transformed by our experiences, the brilliant sun, and the buoyant Aegean."
-Maria, teacher & scholar, 2017 participant
“In a few words – the Inspiration in the Aegean workshop was a rapturous, thrilling, and utterly life changing experience, one that in countless ways has been vital to my personal and professional growth. The process of exploring Alexander through ancient Greek mythology alongside Greek island life at times felt like time travel. My mind, body, and spirit were incredibly enriched by the lessons, the culture, and the mystifying way everything is connected: from the wind that brought the thought of Hermes as it whispered through our classroom windows to the reminder that we are bodies in constant motion through breath and breathing; from the lessons of Hestia, goddess of the hearth and home, related to how our own bodies serve as spirit-homes; from the lessons of Athena, goddess of wisdom, and her helmet serving as a gentle reminder that we are taller than our eyes. This workshop stirred all of my senses, reinforced my personal Alexander practice, and invigorated my passion for life. I could go on, but I highly recommend you find these things – and more – out for yourself.”
-Elizabeth Chahin, actor, 2018 participant
“My imagination was ignited through the supportive environment Judith created, infused with her teaching and reminders of the offerings of the Alexander Technique, I was able to fearlessly tap into truthful impulses. I experienced this for myself and clearly saw this in fellow participants. As an Alexander teacher, there was the added value of participating myself as a student in a working, creative group environment and confronting my own vulnerabilities.
The profound impact of the environment on text and movement, language and breath proved a unique aspect of this workshop. The world of stories about the gods, which Judith opened to us with such in-depth knowledge (and humor), was the golden thread tying the many explorations she skillfully guided us through together.
I cannot remember ever enjoying performing as much as on the final day. Hiking to a magnificently stunning setting, where the sea was our backdrop, we presented our text to our fellow participants who sat on and under ancient marble slaps. For those participants who did not have a performing arts background, their joy in experiencing something new shone through brightly. It reaffirmed the great gift we give ourselves by being present and in the moment.”
-Laura Smith, Teacher of movement & Alexander Technique, 2018 participant
“Judith Grodowitz is a captivating teacher. Her passion for this work and for the ancient Greek world is contagious. The daily workshops were relaxed and playful, weaving together body work, Greek mythology, poetry and even Greek dancing! So fun! I think every student there, young and old, grew on many levels. It was an amazing enriching experience. Thank you Judith.”
-Jane Trechsel, actor, singer, writer, & yoga teacher, 2017 participant
“…When you are in Greece, with Judith, there is a whole realm of both ancient and primal forces that are not only inescapable but relentless in their influence in the work. Absorbed in the palpable energy – insights, with depth, practicality and a history we all know but often forget – flourish. It is this history of Greece, of ourselves, coupled with the expansiveness of the Cyclades and the particular energy found on Folegandros, a small island with green rocks and thyme-filled hills, that allows for a gentle and intuitive depth in the work that is familiar, in the way our long lost past or a distant dream can be.
It might seem unusual, or even unnecessary, to travel all the way to Greece to study Alexander Technique. And, it is. But, only in the way we find the work of the Alexander Technique to be unusual – in that it removes us from our unnecessary habits of living.
For anyone who has never studied Alexander Technique before: you will find yourself, partially or wholly, along with several others who are led to this experience by Judith and her wonderful way as a teacher, mentor and human being.”
-Freddie Stevens, Jr., actor & writer, 2017 participant
Judith tries out the stage on her first visit to the ancient theater of Epidaurus.
“…On the island, weaving Alexander into my daily life felt truly effortless… From the moment I woke in the morning to the moment I climbed back into bed, I had this effortless, uplifting awareness of my use. Whereas, in the past, working with the technique had been more clinical for me, more of an academic exercise of reminding myself to take that moment to pause, this felt wildly different and so natural. The days we spent on the island did indeed change me… like the technique was weaving itself into my very DNA.
It was an honor for me to take a moment, to pause and take part in Judith's extraordinary workshop, which she creates and conducts with so much love, energy and passion. In Folegandros, there is inspiration around every corner…
…One of the most impactful pieces of the experience is the information and material Judith shared with us and the way she shared it… The classroom environment was a gift from the first moment I entered the room… I appreciated the feel of the breeze blowing through the windows and I was so energized by all of the mythological imagery that surrounded us each day.
…Being there felt so healing and had such a purity to it – I'll never forget it.
As an artist, a trip like this is worth its weight in gold, not only for the knowledge and experience gained, but also as a reminder of the great value in leaving our "regular" lives behind, seeing things from a different perspective and interacting with people from different cultures and communities.”
-Lee Kaplan, actor, producer, director, & writer, 2018 participant
Dancing Maenad, Follower of Dionysis -Callimachus, 120-40AD
“If I were to choose one word to describe my trip to Greece with Judith, it would be "magical". The experiences I had there have permanently impacted my life afterwards in the most beautiful way. Judith has a way of bringing people together and opening their hearts, and for that I am deeply grateful. The Alexander Technique combined with the beautiful scenery of Folegandros played a big part in connecting me to myself, to others and to the surroundings. I felt reborn! Allowing myself to dedicate some time to do that, was one of the best decisions I ever made. It was worth the effort it took to make that trip a reality.”
-Iris Thomsen, actor, dancer, & model, 2018 participant
“Going to Greece and taking part in the workshop was one of the best things I ever could have done for both my acting and psyche. Through Judith's teaching I grew more aware of my body and presence within a room. I gained confidence in the moment of not knowing and soon reveled in just letting go and trusting myself. Who knew so many feelings and magical things could happen when you take the time to be still and just be. I truly believe I have been transformed as an actor and person by this experience and I'm forever grateful for the guidance and love Judith brought to every class. I will miss Greece every day until the next time!"
-Liana Womble, actor, 2017 participant
“The class was a tonic, a restorative for a body and soul. I think all of us expanded – safely, happily – into the divine magic Judith set in play.
Honestly, I initially came for the mythology and the chance to be in Greece. I’d never taken an Alexander class and had zero experience with improv and not much more with dance. For me, what Judith taught was a new awareness of movement, breath, and the body in space. Though I am not a performer and improvisation and performance are far outside the bounds of my “box,” it was so good for me to be part of that – to try it, and to understand some of the Alexander principles. And, friends here at home say my posture changed: that I am standing and sitting taller!
I loved being in that classroom, with images of the gods on the walls and columns, inspiring our bodies and minds. I loved that Judith took it outside the classroom – through winding alleys and an arched tunnel to an improvisation site; and then down to the Aegean itself.
Beyond that, the class was filled with warm, talented, funny, radiant people. Fellow participants were wonderful, every single one of them... I felt so lucky to be in that company. There’s a reason Judith attracts these people. She is an incredible teacher. With great knowledge and kindness, she wove together movement, images, poetry and stories that somehow got the mythology to “land” in our bodies.
And we were in Folegandros, which has to be one of the sweetest places on earth, especially Chora, the village – which is a series of squares, connected by little winding streets, where everyone sits outside and shares good food and company. There is something about being on an island in the middle of the Aegean that goes deep in the soul...
Being part of “Inspiration in the Aegean” was a true gift, expansive and restorative, and I feel incredibly lucky to have been part of it."
-Ellen Steiber, writer & editor, 2017 participant
Threshing circle, Folegandros
“First of all, thank you for a wonderful time. There were so many impulses and aspects that made me feel myself as a lucky student again. Being an Alexander teacher myself, it was most educational to watch your procedures, your responses and interventions.
You gave us time to reflect and integrate everything we achieved. All the classes were timed perfectly. Our daily dance rituals and our Farewell ritual made me feel wonderful.
Our week at Folegandros is still in my heart. The Greek gods and goddesses are still influencing my thoughts. I will keep our experience forever. Many thanks to you!”
-Angela Merkt, Alexander Technique teacher, Germany, 2018 participant
“Dear Judith,
It is September and the summer is over, but inside me there is still a little summer wind from Folegandros. The work with you and the group made a deep impression on me. How you spoke about Greek mythology inspired me to read the stories about these very human archetypes. Now, everywhere I see Greek gods and goddesses. I have a new view of these ancient images. You also had such a good balance between telling us stories about the gods, movements, partner work, games, walks, dance, and stillness.
The whole week was in a beautiful flow. I still hear the sound of the little cymbals from our silent walk.”
-Carolina Ruegg, Alexander Technique teacher, Germany, 2018 participant
“Growing up in the Orthodox Jewish community, you better believe that every week we acted out creation… Flash forward to when I was old enough to understand that the world was bigger than just Judaism… Studying ancient Greek civilization and literature in school, I knew I had to go to Greece.
Fast forward another ten years… I made it to Greece, and it was everything I could have ever dreamed of – and more! That is because of the lovely and talented Judith Grodowitz. Judith was my teacher at the Esper studio, where she helped me change my life. Alexander has helped me tremendously as a performer and in everyday life.
The classroom was a great size and beautiful, literally stunning…
Judith has an extensive amount of knowledge on the subject and was so generous with sharing pictures and stories with us! It is truly a gift to be in her presence, especially on the beautiful island of Folegandros which means so much to her.
Folegandros Island is stunning, charming and magical. Judith has done a very generous thing by sharing this little gem with us. Judith and her registrar, Cameron, were so helpful. Judith went above and beyond and cared so much about each participant… I can’t recommend this experience and workshop enough. You will not regret it; Judith is truly a gem.”
-Amanda Fogel, actress & singer, 2018 participant
Terpsichore, Muse of Dance
“…In German, we’ve got the term “der rote Faden,” the Red Thread, which means, there is something unseen under the surface, connecting everything. In my choreographic pieces, I’m always looking for it, and I think this is it – that during class, being together with the people, everything comes out of your (Judith’s) realm of experience. That was my feeling – that we took part in your “blooming.” There was… a certain feeling, a taste, that led us through. Your huge treasure of experience, guided by the concrete knowledge of the technique and your understanding of art and life and your empathy for us was the Red Thread. And in a wonderful way it seemed that everybody had the experience, that he or she could tie on exactly for his or her personal life. This work gave me strength and self-confidence.
…Your way of meeting and resonating with everybody is something very special about you – thank you for that!
…how you gradually introduced the poems was very exciting… As all of this was so subtle, it could go deep inside our souls.
…stories about the Greek gods elated me… I felt strengthened and affirmed. I got new inspiration for ways to go on. The pictures, the technique, the archetypes, the movements and the surrounding gave me a Red Thread which I could access in the time after the workshop on Folegandros.”
-Angela Kockers, dancer, teacher, & choreographer, 2018 participant
Dionysus & his entourage
“I had a completely life-altering, affirming experience taking Judith Grodowitz's Inspiration in the Aegean workshop. The unique combination of Judith's abilities as a teacher, with her knowledge of Greek mythology and culture, in the amazing surrounding of the island of Folegandros was phenomenal for me. I had not expected to be so profoundly affected by Judith's workshop. My experience far transcended my preconceptions of what any learning opportunity in a new culture could be. Physically, emotionally, and historically, I had a very full sense that I had returned home."
-Salley May, performance artist, theatre educator, & social worker, 1998 & 2003 participant
“I was expecting a pleasant vacation with some sun, some fun, and tuning into my body more – but what I got was a mind-blowing spiritual awakening... Since I've been back I've been seeing things (people, places & situations) through new eyes. They say that meditation helps one develop clarity and I feel like your class & Folegandros opened a door to that."
-Emily Clark, former graphic artist who went on to become an Alexander Teacher herself, 1998 participant